
S.No NIT Act Name Designation Position
1 Sec.14(a) Prof. Omprakash Jaiswal Director, NITGoa Chairman Senate
2 Sec.14(b) -- Deputy Director Member
3 Sec.14(c) --

The Professors appointed or recognized as such

by the institute for the purpose of imaparting instructions in the institute.

4 Sec.14(d) Prof. Prem Pal Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad External Member
5 Prof. Vasant Matsagar
Dogra Chair Professor,
Multi-Hazard Protective Structures (MHPS) Laboratory
Department of Civil Engineering,
Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi
External Member

Prof. Smita Jha

Department of Humanities & Social Science,
Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee.
External Member
7 Sec.18(2) Dr. Shashidhar K. Kudari Registrar Member Secretary
8 As per 20th BoG resolution
of Item number A.3
-- All Deans Member
9 -- All HoDs Member

Minutes of Senate Meeting


Senate-1 | Senate-2 | Senate-3 | Senate-4 | Senate-5 | Senate-6 | Senate-7 | Senate-8 | Senate-9 | Senate-10 | Senate-11 | Senate-12 | Senate-13 | Senate-14 | Senate-15 | Senate-16 | Senate-17 | Senate-18 | Senate-19 | Senate-20 | Senate-21 | Senate-22| Senate-23 | Senate-24 | Senate-25 | Senate-26 | Senate-27 | Senate-28