राष्ट्रीय प्रौद्योगिकी संस्थान गोवा

National Institute of Technology Goa

दसवां दीक्षांत समारोह २०२४

10th Convocation Ceremony 2024

10th Convocation of National Institute of Technology Goa is to be held on Sunday, 22nd September 2024 at 2:30 PM | Dr. Samir V. Kamat, Secretary, Dept. of Defence R&D and Chairman, DRDO will be the Chief Guest for the ceremony.
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Registration is compulsory for all the degree recipients. However, physical presence is mandatory for those who wish to receive the degree certificate in person.

Convocation Ceremony 2024: Registration Process

    The registration for the convocation involves the following steps:
    Online Payment of Registration Fee.

    Submission of online Registration Form along with Alumni Data Form.

    Kindly ensure that all the steps are completed.

  • The Registration Fee has to be paid (according to the following rates) through ONLINE PAYMENT GATEWAY

    • Registration fee for receiving the B.Tech & Ph.D. degree certificate in presentia: Rs. 2000/-

    • Registration fee for receiving the B.Tech & Ph.D. degree certificate in absentia : Rs. 2500/-
  • M.Tech Graduands will need to upload their 1st Semester Fee Receipt (where Convocation fee is already paid). Students, who lost their Fee receipt, can upload a self-declaration letter that they paid Convocation fee in First Semester at the time of online registration form submission.
  • Absentia only: M.Tech Graduands requesting degree in Absentia will need to pay only additional Rs.500/-

  • The receipt of online payment should be saved and uploaded at the time of online registration.

  • If the graduand intends to receive the degree certificate in absentia,
    • The correct postal address to which the certificate needs to be dispatched should be mentioned in the registration form.
    • The undertaking form given [here] should be filled and uploaded during registration.
    • Upon receiving the ' registration in absentia ' and the ' undertaking form ', the degree certificate shall be sent to the concerned graduand.

  • Upon successful submission of the registration form, an automated response will be received by the graduand.
  • The registration is deemed incomplete till the verification of payment.
  • Upon the payment verification, an e-mail shall be sent confirming the registration. In case the graduand fails to receive the confirmation e-mail within 5 days he/she is requested to drop a mail to convocation@nitgoa.ac.in
  • The graduands are requested to go through “INSTRUCTIONS TO GRADUANDS" tab.

  • For any difficulties in registering online Registration form and Alumni Data Form, the graduand may communicate the same to convocation@nitgoa.ac.in