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Welcome to the Department of Computer Science and Engineering

The Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) of NIT Goa is one of the founding departments of the institute, started in 2010. It offers 4 years full time B. Tech. degree program, 2 years full time M. Tech. degree program and Ph.D. program in Computer Science and Engineering. 

The faculty members of CSE department have expertise in the following areas: mobile computing, context-aware computing, machine learning, mobile virtual communities, e-Health, pervasive health, community healthcare informatics, data mining, wireless sensor networks, information security, network security, cryptography, cloud security, key management, content based information retrieval, pattern recognition, kernel methods for pattern analysis, machine learning, artificial neural networks, computer vision, speech technology, algorithms, computational intelligence, privacy and security, network protocols and wireless networks. The faculty members have published several research papers in these areas in national and international conferences and journals.

The department invites R & D organizations, public and private sector units to enhance and develop research and teaching interface with faculty and students.